Friday, 7 August 2009

the first

I'm starting this blog mainly because my mind is so full of thoughts that I am reaching the point where my brain is going to crash because, unlike the hard drives I can easily purchase to fulfil my computer based existence, my brain is starting to reach critical mass. Also it's cheaper than a therapist.

This blog is also going to track my day to day dealings with being unemployed - I've been self-employed for the past twenty years but once the work dries up (more of that later..........) you are officially (if not technically) unemployed. And I am hoping it will halt the slow but increasing fascination with television which is beginning to take up more of my working day than I ever thought possible and I've been working from home for many years. Not daytime TV, of course, I haven't sunk that low but with the powers of modern technology, I can save 'have to see item' to one of those pesky hard drives and have enough watching material to get me through the day.......... and night.

To come: the saga of the council tax benefit, getting a novel published, being a diabetic and going to hell.............

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