Tuesday, 18 August 2009

going to hell

Which is where I am going. I had a confrontation with a delinquent priest today - where I live priests are a daily hazard. This one was enjoying his fish and chips outside my house and, rather than walk the few yards back down to the fish and chip shop to dispose of his rubbish, he decided to put it in my bin.

Now, not a mortal sin, you might say but possibly not the behaviour of a decent citizen, a grownup or a man of god? You may think I overracted but it's summer, hot (yes I know it's a bit of a shock) and the bins had just been emptied. It would be two weeks before they are emptied again and I carefully double bag all my rubbish to prevent nasty surprises crawling all over the place. Plus the binmen are not happy to collect such bins. Anyway, back to the priest. I politely asked him to remove it and he refused. He tried to tell me that it was the only bin around - I pointed out the two nearest public bins and suggested he take the rubbish back to the fish and chip shop.

Well, you would have thought I had asked him to perform a black magic ritual. He stomped, he snorted and he absolutely refused to comply. He told me I was being
'uncharitable'. I suggested that if he expected me to be charitable in this instance, perhaps he could return the charitable gesture in two weeks time and scrub out my bin or take the flyblown contents to the tip when the binmen refused to take it.

He stomped some more, he sulked, pouted and eventually dived into my bin to retrieve his rubbish. He stomped off, muttering under his breath. Clearly I am going to hell - if I believed in it. He should have opted for the black magic ritual - I might have taken more notice.

It wasn't the act so much - although I expect more from a man of the cloth but his attitude. Not so much a christian then...............

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